10-day CAT camp underway

TENGA, 15 May: A 10-day combined annual training (CAT) camp of the Tawang-based 2 Arunachal Pradesh NCC battalion began at the KV here in West Kameng district on Monday.

This is the first time that NCC cadets from Assam are also participating in the camp, which seeks to promote interactions and cultural exchange.

Addressing the cadets, Commanding Officer Col Mridul Mittal informed that “various sports, cultural and professional competitions will be organised during the camp to provide an opportunity to everyone for healthy competition and public interaction.”

“During the course, the cadets will not only hone their skills on military subjects such as drill, map-reading, weapon training, firing, field craft and battle craft, but also be exposed to various initiatives undertaken by the government of India, such as the International Year of Millets, and G20 activities,” the NCC stated in a press release.