Ultimatum served to repair road

ITANAGAR, 20 May: The Jully Valley Youth Welfare Association has served the PWD Capital Division-B an ultimatum of 30 days to repair the Ganga-Jollang-Papu Nallah road, and said that it would enforce a chakka bandh on the expiry of the ultimatum.

In its letter to the PWD (WZ) chief engineer, the association on Friday said that “large potholes all along the road are causing repeated accidents.”

“Several fatal accidents have occurred in the

past few months on this road stretch due to the deplorable condition of the road,” it said.

Further, lack of proper drainage system creates water clogging and flooding during rainy season every year, causing great inconvenience to commuters, particularly schoolchildren, the elderly people, and motorists, it said.

“Arrival of ambulances during medical emergencies, firefighters and vehicles evacuating patients gets delayed because of the bad road condition,” the association said.

It said that it has been compelled to serve the ultimatum as no major action has been taken yet to repair the road, even after complaints were made to the local authorities on several occasions.