Cleanliness drive underway

SEPPA, 1 Jul: The East Kameng district administration launched a three-day cleanliness drive here on 30 June.

The drive, which will conclude on 2 July, was launched in collaboration with the urban development (UD) department and various NGOs. Besides DC Sachin Rana, government officials, members of NGOs and the CRPF, and members of the public are participating in it.

On the inaugural day, UD EE Tarh Hachey informed that “the material recovery facility (MRF), which was sanctioned by the government in 2019, could not be constructed for the past two years due to various hurdles from the public in the land acquisition process, and this had made it difficult for garbage to be disposed of regularly.”

He added, however, that “with the intervention of minister Mama Natung, the MLAs of the district, ZPM Anchu Rimo, Matem Abo Society, NGO, etc, a plot of land was donated by Sajo Rimo for the construction of the MRF in Pampoli.”

The MRF was completed recently, and the department will now lift garbage on a regular basis, he said.

The DC later inspected the MRF in Pampoli. (DIPRO)