Guv visits crafts centre, other institutions in E/Kameng

ITANAGAR, 9 Jul: Governor KT Parnaik visited an indigenous craft centre, named Lokal, in East Kameng HQ Seppa on 8 July.

The facility, which collects indigenous craft products from local artisans and sells them, is managed by women self-help groups (SHG).

The governor commended the members of the women SHGs and exhorted them to explore innovative ways to market the exotic local craft items, and added that he would be happy “when the local crafts will be sold in the markets like Guwahati and Delhi, helping the women SGHs to start earning from it.”

As a token of appreciation, the governor’s wife, Anagha Parnaik, bought some items.

Environment, Forests & Climate Change Minister Mama Natung, who took the initiative of conceptualising the outlet, briefed the governor on the facility and its future plans.

Local MLA Tapuk Taku and DC Sachin Rana also accompanied the governor during the visit.

The governor also visited Kampu Hollen orphanage, run by Renu Bengde, and interacted with the children and members of the management committee.

He said that “it is the responsibility of every member of the society to ensure that all children have the opportunity to strive forward in life in a good and secured environment.”

As a token of appreciation and love, he gave study materials and token financial aid for the centre.

Bengde, who started the orphanage in 2012 with four orphans, briefed the governor on the facility and its success story. At present, it houses 27 children, including 12 girls.

Parnaik also visited the Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapeeth in Lumdung and interacted with the students and members there.

Saying that “the school campus instills a sense of calmness, divinity and achievement,” he exhorted the faculty members to “exploit the facilities for grooming and character-building of students.”

He advised the students to imbibe discipline, a sense of duty, and sincerity to become good citizens.

“Young people of today are the future leaders of the country and they must have the opportunities to develop their body and mind in the true sense. They must resolve and prepare themselves to face any challenge in the present and the future,” the governor said.

The coeducation school, which started in 2018, has 230 students, from Class 2 to Class 7.

During the visits, the governor was accompanied by his wife. (Raj Bhavan)