DC inspects depts, schemes

SHERGAON, 11 Jul: West Kameng DC Akriti Sagar inspected various departments and ongoing schemes here on Tuesday.

She visited an anganwadi centre and interacted with the students and staff there to learn whether the beneficiaries are receiving all the benefits.

She also participated in the inauguration of a ‘poshan vatika’ here, and planted vegetables in the kitchen garden.

“Shergaon being blessed with natural conditions for gardening and cultivation, the public, panchayat members and the village elders should utilise the available empty plots for gardening, cultivation, and plantation purposes,” she said.

Attending a plantation drive organised in the compound of the anganwadi centre and the officers’ mess of the 73rd battalion of the SSB here, the DC urged the SSB to “provide necessary infrastructure development support for Shergaon under the community welfare scheme.”

During her inspection of the trout hatchery centre here, Sagar praised District Fisheries Development Officer M Adak and his team “for your dedication and commitment towards trout farming, and for encouraging the public to take up cultivation.”

She also met trout fish farmers who earn Rs 80,000 to Rs 1,00,000 per month.

The DC also inspected the construction of the infrastructure under the Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojna, and instructed the nodal department and the contractor to complete the construction within the specified timeframe.

She later visited the apple orchard, the government primary school, and the community library.

Among others, Shergaon ZPM Tsering Wangmu Lama, ICDS DD RT Deru, DHO PN Khirmey, DAO Ledo Thungon, Shergaon CO Anjali Siga, DFDO Magdai Adak, and CDPO Khanlong Zongluju accompanied the DC during the inspection. (DIPRO)