Election in Arunachal

[ Tatu Ronya ]

It is reckoned that the legislative assembly election stands as the grandest festival ever celebrated in Arunachal. Amidst this extraordinary festival, a generous offering of delectable refreshments and nourishment is extended to all residents of the esteemed constituencies, without any charge.

Notably captivating, it also entails a discreet provision of assistance that many voters anticipate from aspiring MLA candidates. During this magnificent celebration, countless individuals assume a facade of wisdom and intelligence while fewer get fooled before the fabulists.

During the electoral period, an unfortunate occurrence manifests, wherein monetary incentives, disbursed at exorbitant rates, are exchanged for votes through party representatives.

Surprisingly, within the period of elections, individuals who had long neglected their kin and loved ones suddenly embrace them with newfound affection, akin to a newlywed couple reveling in tender love and care. While outsiders employ their utmost endeavors to sow seeds of disintegration and discord within the harmoniously bonded family, they tempt and lure any member of the family with various enticements such as monetary offerings and other favors.

Donning the guise of integrity, party workers covertly engage in misappropriation and misuse of funds provided by aspiring candidates for the purpose of vote-buying. Voters often project and advocate for affluent individuals to assume the role of their MLA, overshadowing the qualities and leadership of comparatively less affluent but highly capable candidates.

During elections, a spirited dance unfolds where aspiring candidates, workers, and voters, each at their own level and capacity, employ their utmost ingenuity to outwit one another for personal gains and advantages. It has also been observed that individuals belonging to the same political party have begun assisting one another in the agricultural sector, while neighbours and close relatives tend to distance themselves if they do not share the same political affiliation during elections.

Numerous lives have been sacrificed in the struggle for their preferred MLA candidates, often exacerbated by excessive consumption of free alcohol during election. Once the elections conclude, life descends into a dreary abyss, resembling a desolate graveyard, while the persistent habit of drinking precipitates unhappiness and fractures within families.

Sincerest appeal

As the upcoming general legislative election approaches, let us collectively pledge to ensure a superior and harmonious election in 2024.

In this era of rapid growth and transformative change, the people of Arunachal must ponder upon and embrace the following imperative steps by for a better and more promising tomorrow.

Step 1: Let us resolutely declare our unwavering stance against the practice of exchanging cash for votes – a resounding ‘No’ to this detrimental phenomenon.

Step 2: Let us firmly assert our rejection of the distribution of gratuitous favours in the guise of elections – a resolute ‘No’ to this practice that compromises the integrity of the process.

Step 3: Let us exercise our wisdom and discernment by consciously selecting leaders of exceptional quality over those who fall short, thereby ensuring a brighter future for our region.

Step 4: Let us transcend the boundaries of strife and animosity, relinquishing our differences and promoting harmony, recognising that elections should not be a catalyst for division but an opportunity for unity.

Step 5: Let us collectively present our aspirations to leaders, emphasising the importance of prioritising the common good and comprehensive development over individual prosperity, fostering a society that flourishes as a whole.

Step 6: Let us conscientiously opt for exceptional leadership qualities, rather than mere party affiliations, acknowledging the significance of selecting the most capable and virtuous leaders for the progress of our region.

Step 7: Let us prudently exercise our adult franchise rights by selecting the right leader, basing our choices on merit rather than being swayed by monetary incentives.

Elections may transiently emerge and pass; hence, one should prioritise the triumph of humanity, as true greatness lies in the profound display of compassion towards every individual on this planet. In the end, one must depart from this earthly realm without carrying any material possessions, but forever imprinting their character upon the world.

Hence, let us plant the seeds of a character that shall blossom into an eternal embodiment of the finest humanity on Earth, before our departure from this world, than indulging in fooling and spreading hatred among the people in the name of an election.

Jai Hind! Jai Arunachal! (The contributor is a resident of F Sector, Itanagar, and may be contacted at 7005698884)