ASI self-compilation camp held

ITANAGAR, 23 Jan: Industry leaders and field officials of the union statistics & programme implementation ministry participated in the ‘Annual survey industries (ASI) self-compilation camp’ at DK Convention Hall here recently.

The ministry’s field operations division’s (FOD) Itanagar-based Regional Office (RO) Assistant Director Abhishek Kumar inaugurated the camp, following which Dibrugarh (Assam)-based RO Joint Director E Renbi Jami highlighted the importance of “on-time filing of ASI returns along with Collection of Statistics Act, 2008, under which data on the ASI are collected by field officials,” the Itanagar RO informed in a release.

 Jami spoke also on “the history of data collection by the national sample survey office FOD at the national level and its use in data-driven policymaking by the central and state governments and other users,” it said.

Dibrugarh RO Assistant Director Subrata Das conducted sessions on “the importance of various blocks and data reporting from audit report of firms,” the release stated, adding that a “live demo on online filing of ASI returns in dedicated web portal was presented by Tezpur (Assam) RO Senior Statistical Officer Maniraj Adhikari.”

Adhikari apprised the participants of the “comprehensive idea on the intricacies of ASI, including data collection methods, reporting standards, and the significance of accurate and timely submissions, and provided hands-on training to guide the participants through the entire process,” the release said.