Apatani women SHG model can be emulated by other women SHGs: DC

ZIRO, 12 Mar: The Apatani women self-help group (SHG) model is quite innovative and industrious, whose example can be emulated by other women SHGs in the state, Lower Subansiri Deputy Commissioner Vivek HP said after inaugurating the Pudu Apu Model Cluster Level Federation and Ngunu Sango Van Dhan Vikas Kendra Centre (VDVKC) at Yolyo in Hong village here on Monday.

The VDVKC is a small-scale food processing unit funded by the TRIFED with Rs 15 lakhs as initial startup capital.

The VDVKC operates from a defunct five-classroom SSI school. It will produce liquid and wet products from locally available fruits and vegetables, such as juice, pickles, jam, jelly, etc.

A similar successful VDVK unit, run by a women SHG, also exists in Biiri village, near the Ziro Festival of Music ground. It is engaged in processing and value adding to dried local maize and millet products, including millet flours.

Commending the VDVKC, which is composed of 449 women from the 64 SHGs of Hari-Hong block, under the supervision of ArSRLM block mission unit staff, the DC urged the women to be “self-reliant and strive for sustainable development.”

“Ziro plateau is blessed with immense potential in horticulture. Besides the local favourite kiwi fruit, I suggest that we need to explore growing other medicinal and aromatic fruits, like star anise, which is highly successful in China and Vietnam,” the DC said.

Advocating “convergence and collaborations between the women SHGs, ASHAs and anganwadi workers,” the DC said that “the joint efforts will bear fruits not only in running such government-sponsored ventures but also in bringing the fruits of development to the grassroots levels, for which women are the best carriers.”

Stressing on “proper and correct selection of beneficiaries,” the DC suggested to the SHGs to “explore manufacturing local cloth bags with different carrying capacities to replace single-use polythene bags.”

“We all took a pledge during the Statehood Day to do away with the use of single-use polythene bags in Ziro. So, let us explore an alternative for the same, including weaving low-cost local handbags to replace the use of hazardous polythene bags,” the DC said.

SP Keni Bagra said that “this kind of joint venture augments women empowerment and forges more unity and understanding between them,” while District Horticulture Officer Hibu Dante explained the importance of availability of raw materials, pricing, branding and market linkages.

Hong ZPMs Punyo Kathe and Hibu Ochey also encouraged the women entrepreneurs, and assured to provide “local support in successful running of the unit.” (DIPRO)