L/Siang DVO gets conference hall

LIKABALI, 17 May: Lower Siang Deputy Commissioner Rujjum Rakshap on Friday inaugurated the multipurpose conference hall of the district veterinary office (DVO) here.

Addressing the officials of the animal husbandry, veterinary & dairy development department on the occasion, Rakshap expressed appreciation for the unflinching efforts put in by the department under the leadership of District Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Officer Dr Gungte Radhe.

The DC emphasised the need to equip and modernise the offices and create required infrastructures, and assured to provide every possible support from the district administration’s end.

Dr Radhe presented an ‘envisioned roadmap’, focusing on accelerating the development of the department and its service delivery mechanism in the district.

“Being an infant district with the least infrastructures at our disposal, we need to walk some extra miles to catch up with the rest of the districts,” he said.

He appealed to the DC and the public to provide constant support and patronage, and said that the department in the coming days is going to be a big agent to boost the economy of the area. (DIPRO)