APIC conducts trg on hybrid mode of hearing

ITANAGAR, 17 May: The Arunachal Pradesh Information Commission (APIC) conducted a training programme on ‘Hybrid mode of hearing and e-filing of appeals and complaints’ for district informatics officers (DIO) of all the districts of the state in the e-office training hall of the civil secretariat here on Friday.

Addressing the inaugural session of the training, Chief Information Commissioner Rinchen Dorjee said that “DIOs are the most suitable people in the districts to carry forward the idea and use of hybrid mode of hearing and e-filing of appeals and complaints.”

He advised all the DIOs to attend the training sincerely to gain knowledge in order to impart training to all stakeholders in their respective districts.

Administrative Reform Department Commissioner Yashpal Garg said, “Arunachal Pradesh is one of the states which implemented the Supreme Court order for providing the option of hybrid mode of hearing and e-filing of appeals and complaints to all appellants on time.”

He too advised the trainees to be sincere, take full advantage of the training, “and further disseminate the knowledge at the district level.”

He said that the administrative reform department is launching an RTI online application portal shortly for the benefit of the citizens.

Itanagar NIC SIO Jyotish Roy in his address assured to extend all possible support to the APIC in spreading the knowledge of hybrid mode of hearing and e-filing of appeals and complaints.

APIC Registrar Taro Mize, highlighting the objectives of the training, said that “the option of hybrid mode of hearing and e-filing of appeals and complaints are in place for all applicants in the APIC.”

APIC computer programmer Bharati Yun and APIC IT consultant Himanshu Verma were the resource persons of the training programme.

ARD Joint Secretary Mari Angu, Deputy Secretary Rango Panka, Undersecretary Ili Riba, and APIC Deputy Registrar Maman Padung also attended the programme.