Health dept issues advisory in view of soaring temperature

ITANAGAR, 24 May: The state health department has issued an advisory, asking people to stay well-hydrated by drinking sufficient water, even if not thirsty, during this summer.

The advisory has been issued in view of the soaring temperature, which may cause health complications,such as high fever, fainting, muscle cramps, etc.

“Arunachal Pradesh has been experiencing persistently high and humid temperatures over the past few weeks. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has recorded isolated areas with temperatures exceeding the normal by more than 5.1°C on 19 and 23 May,” the National Programme for Climate Change & Human Health’s state nodal officer Dr L Jampa said in the advisory.

He advised the people to use oral rehydration solution and drink homemade drinks, like lemonade, fruit juice, etc; eat seasonal fruits and vegetables;wear thin and loose cotton garments, preferably light-coloured; wear shoes/chappals when going out in the sun; and keep their homes cool by keeping the windows and ventilators open at night.

The advisory stated that infants, young children, people working outdoors, people living with heart disease or high blood pressure, and elderly or sick people living alone are at higher risk, and that they need special care and attention.

Further, it advised people to avoid going out in the sun unnecessarily and avoid doing strenuous activities during the daytime unless unavoidable. “Do not leave children, pets, or elderly people in parked vehicles, and avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks, as they cause loss of body fluids,” it said.

 Dr Jampa advised the people to contact the nearest health facility in case of “altered mental sensorium, high fever, fainting, muscle cramps, vomiting, or hot red dry skin, as soon as possible.”

Meanwhile, the IMD has predicted that thunderstorms and lightning with isolated heavy to extremely heavy rainfall are very likely to occur in isolated places in Arunachal from 26 to 28 May, which will further increase the humidity level, the advisory said.
