Body urges govt to protect flora, fauna

ITANAGAR, 7 Jun: The Sustainable Environment Society (SES) has appealed to the state government to “strictly implement laws in order to protect the state’s flora and fauna.”

In a representation to the chief secretary on Friday, the SES expressed concern over the reckless earth-cutting in Itanagar, and appealed to the state government to “impose heavy penalties on those involved in illegal earth-cutting and register cases against them under the PDPP Act.”

The SES has also sought strict action against those involved in major encroachments/land grabbing in reserved forest areas and wild sanctuaries in Itanagar and other parts of the state, besides issuing a blanket ban order on fishing and hunting across the state.

It also appealed for “initiating urgent steps for preserving and protecting lakes, natural streams, nallahs, etc, and framing strict rules and regulations to monitor illegal tapping of mines and minerals in the state.