NCC cadets attend motivational lecture on Indian army

ITANAGAR, 24 Jun: Col. Anindya Ray, director recruiting, ARO Jorhat, delivered a motivational lecture to NCC cadets at the Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC) 38, held at NERIST on Monday. The lecture was attended by 500 NCC cadets from Arunachal Pradesh.

Col. Ray’s address covered a wide array of topics designed to inspire and inform the cadets about opportunities in the Indian army. The lecture emphasized the critical role of the NCC in preparing cadets for careers in the armed forces.

Col. Ray highlighted how the discipline, leadership skills, and patriotism fostered through NCC training are invaluable assets for those aspiring to join the armed forces. He outlined the various career opportunities available in the military and how the NCC experience gives cadets a distinct advantage in recruitment processes. The session underscored the benefits of NCC involvement, including enhanced physical fitness, leadership development and a strong sense of duty, all of which are essential qualities for a successful career in the armed forces.