In-service training prog for teachers commences

TAWANG, 17 Jul: A 10-day in-service training programme for teachers of Tawang block commenced at Government Town Secondary School here on Wednesday.

Addressing the trainee teachers, ADC Sang Khandu emphasized the vital role teachers play in societal development, attributing today’s achievements to their continuous efforts.

He stressed the importance of training to stay updated with modern teaching methods and technologies, crucial for enhancing educational standards.

Earlier, Tawang DDSE in-charge Dondup urged the teachers to embrace the latest pedagogical approaches and technologies. He also highlighted their responsibility in nurturing the future generation.

During the technical sessions, deputy CEO of Mumbai-based Adhyayan Quality Education Foundation Tiasha Banerjee and other education experts provided valuable insights aimed at improving the teaching-learning process.

A similar training programme is also being conducted for the teachers at Lungla. (DIPRO)