Alleging assault in PS, man lodges complaint with APSHRC

ITANAGAR, 19 Jul: A complaint has been lodged with the Arunachal Pradesh State Human Rights Commission (APSHRC) by one Nito Pangia (Dolo), alleging that he had been wrongfully restrained and physically assaulted by police personnel of the Seppa police station (PS) in East Kameng district.

The complainant also filed an FIR with the Seppa PS OC on 19 July.

As per the FIR, the incident occurred when Pangia was returning to his brother Ram Dolo’s house in Type-III Colony in Seppa for a night’s stay after visiting his ailing sister-in-law, whose house is adjacent to the police station, at around 11:30 pm.

The complainant said that police personnel, who were on an MVI checking, stopped him, took his scooter’s key, and asked for his driving licence and the RC book, which he showed to them.

Pangia was allegedly assaulted by the police personnel when he refused to go inside the police station.

The APSHRC has directed the Arunachal Pradesh DGP to submit a detailed action taken report in the matter, including steps taken to investigate the allegation made by the complainant; disciplinary actions initiated against the police personnel, if any;and the status of the FIR and the progress of the investigation, within 15 days.