TMES secy. gen. emphasizes on using of simple and effective teaching methods

TAWANG, 22 Jul: Tawang Monpa Employees Society (TMES) secretary-general Kesang Norbu emphasized the importance of using simple and engaging effective teaching methods to ensure that even slow learners can grasp the material.

Addressing the government school teachers of Tawang block, who are attending a training programme

 at Town Secondary School here on Monday, Norbu stressed the need to build a strong educational foundation to prepare the students for future challenges. He also touched upon cybercrime and mobile protocols in schools.

DDSE in-charge Dondup urged the teachers to apply the effective teaching methods and techniques shared by the resource persons in their respective schools.

Dondup reminded the teachers of their crucial role in shaping the future of both society and the nation.

He highlighted the importance of involving parents and School Management Development Committee members in achieving educational goals, emphasizing the collaboration of the three key pillars of education- parents, teachers and students.

Dondup urged the teachers to inform him of any school-related issue so that he could take up it with the higher authorities. (DIPRO)