Door-to-door awareness prog on solid waste handling

BASAR, 4 Sep: A door-to-door awareness programme on handling solid waste and segregation of waste at source was organised at Gori Complex here in Leparada district on Wednesday by the District Urban Development Agency, in collaboration with the ICDS, the district police, the ArSRLM, SHGs, and other stakeholders.

During the programme, Leparada DC Atul Tayeng spoke about the significance of segregation of waste at source for effective management of solid waste in the town. He urged every stakeholder to take active participation in the awareness programme and “become an ardent contributor in the endeavour of making Basar town one of the best in the state in terms of cleanliness.”

UD&H EE Nabam Kai and Basar PHED Division EE Bomi Nyorak were the resource persons of the programme.

Two separate dustbins were distributed to each household of Gori Complex for proper segregation of non-biodegradable and biodegradable wastes at source.

As part of the awareness programme, the district police, the ICDS, the ArSRLM and other stakeholders are also collecting data pertaining to the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao drive, drug abuse and related problems, water connection, etc, from each household.

Similar awareness programmes will be organised in other 10 identified sectors of Basar urban area. (DIPRO)