5 days training on ‘Disease management of Kiwi crop’

ANINI, 18 Sep: A 5 days training on “Disease management of Kiwi crop” conducted by the KVK Dibang Valley, concluded here on Tuesday. KVK, Anini head and in-charge senior scientist Dr. Oying Jamoh, convened the programme along with agricultural engineering scientist Nani Kani.

The training encompassed a range of topics starting from field visits and disease identification to strategies for disease management. On the first day of training, an interactive session between farmers and scientist including a field visit was held wherein Jamoh educated farmers on different types of diseases caused by fungus, bacteria, viruses, etc. She highlighted the importance of implementing scientifically sound cultivation practices in kiwi farming such as addressing poor drainage facilities and not maintaining proper sanitation in orchard which might be the reason for disease incidence in the kiwi field.

Soil samples as well as infected portion of plant were sent to College of Horticulture, Pasighat where the presence of Fusarium and Phytopthora strain was identified which is causing major damage to the crop. In order to effectively address the disease, farmers received a briefing on the recommended control measures by pathologist Dr. Shakywar from CHF Pasighat. A demonstration was conducted to show farmers on how to prepare Bordeaux paste and its usefulness in managing the fungal disease affecting kiwi plants. Hands on training were given to the farmers were they themselves prepared Bordeaux paste and applied it to the infected portion of kiwi plant.

SMS agri. engineering Nani Kani gave demonstration of kiwi pruner and how it can be effectively used in pruning of infected plant parts. He also informed the farmers about organic management practices in controlling diseases of kiwi plant.

 A total of 20 progressive kiwi farmers attended the programme including GPC of Aropo village Jamuna Mimi.