Competitions for rehab centre inmates held

[Pisi Zauing]

MIAO, 27 Sep: Essay writing and drawing competitions were organised for the inmates of the Karma Foundation Drugs De-addiction & Rehabilitation Centre here in Changlang district on Friday, as part of the Swachhta Hi Seva campaign.

The competitions were organised by the Miao police, under the supervision of Changlang SP Kirli Padu.

Miao SDPO Maga Tago said that “the inmates include highly qualified individuals, who lost track owing to frustration and absence of proper guidance.

“However, getting addicted to drugs or other psychotropic substances doesn’t mean the end of life. They have their own aspirations and can certainly excel through in their endeavours with sheer commitment and willpower,” Tago said.

“Police are typically meant for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. But apart from that, we have switched to community policing – a proactive and collaborative approach to help prevent crimes. The Miao police are focusing on increasing community involvement – forming bonds with communities and establishing an effective law enforcement presence in the community – and the approach is bearing fruits,” the SDPO informed.

Established in June 2021, the Karma Foundation Drugs De-addiction & Rehabilitation Centre has so far succeeded in giving fresh lease of life to 437 addicts from different corners of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, and other northeastern states.

Presently, 24 inmates are undergoing treatment. Ever since its inception, several inmates with HIV & hepatitis have been detected and treatment provided.

The directors of the centre, Bhigu Saikia and Bittu Chakroborty, expressed gratefulness to Tribal Welfare Development Society chairman Nguntim Changmi “for recognising our service and providing 50 cots, 50 bed sheets and 50 mattresses for the inmates.”