OHCHR and UNBHR call for Indigenous rights protection

BANGKOK, 30 Sep: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights (UNBHR) conference took place from September 22 to 27, 2024, in Bangkok.

Advocate Ebo Mili, speaking on behalf of the North East Human Rights (NEHR), served as a panel speaker at the OHCHR program. He shed light on the dam-related issues affecting Arunachal Pradesh and the struggles of indigenous people. Mili emphasized the human rights violations faced by the local indigenous tribes, including the Adi, Idu Mishmi and Monpa, amid the ongoing dam-building activities in the region.

Mili specifically addressed the ongoing resistance of the Adi people against the proposed 11,000 MW Siang Dam and additional projects in the Dibang Valley. He noted his own experiences of arrest and detention for protesting these initiatives, underscoring the urgent need for recognition of indigenous rights. “India, as a signatory to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), must uphold these commitments,” Mili stated.

 Bhanu Tatak participated in the opening plenary session, representing the Siang Indigenous Farmer’s Forum (SIFF). She highlighted the violation of people’s consent regarding the proposed Siang Dam, which has faced opposition from the Adi people for over 40 years. Tatak criticized the non-compliance with Free, Prior and Informed Consent principles by the government of Arunachal Pradesh and NHPC in conducting forceful surveys for the dam without local consent.

Tatak urged the forum to facilitate dialogue between the government of India and the indigenous Adi and Idu Mishmi communities regarding their rights and consent.

In a noteworthy development, an African-based civil society organization has called upon the United Nations Human Rights Council to compel the Indian government to respect the rights of indigenous communities in Arunachal Pradesh.

Earlier this year, on July 18, 2024, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights issued a solidarity statement calling for the release of advocate Ebo Mili and a member of SIFF, who were detained for protesting against the dams in the state.