The tragic death of young boy, identified as Kino Abo, a student of Larh Laywr Public School in Yupia in Papum Pare district, who died after being assaulted by his classmate is extremely distressing. The victim’s parents lodged an FIR at the Doimukh police station and the assaulter minor has been apprehended. While the police investigation is going on and the victim’s family is seeking justice, the incident has become a major concern for every Arunachali, who are worried for the future of the state. If the children at such a young age start reacting violently over small arguments, it means that something seriously is wrong with the society.
In this era of social media, where children have access to various violent online videos, the possibility of them normalising violence remains high. The parents need to keep an eye on the behaviour of their children at home. Often in Arunachal the parents ignore the violent behaviour of their wards at home. In some cases the parents themselves encourages children by saying they belong to this tribe and clan and that their ancestors never backed off from a fight. This way, children get emboldened to indulge in violence. Charity begins at home and it is time that tribal parents started discussing behavioural issues at home. Early intervention will help the children. No child’s life should be lost due to violence.