Dear Editor,
The controversy regarding the anomalies in evaluating the Geography optional series C is only getting louder. If it’s really found that they were deprived of a fair evaluation by feeding the wrong answer key, as claimed by them, we would appeal the commission to reevaluate their papers only as soon as possible.
But please don’t commit the grave mistake of reevaluation of other fairly evaluated papers as they didn’t claim any anomalies otherwise this repeated reevaluation will set a wrong trend for the coming generation.
We would appeal the commission to retain the status of the declared results as it is even if many candidates from Geography Series C paper are found to be qualified after the reevaluation. Scrapping the declared results and hence disqualifying previously qualified candidates just to accommodate those qualified candidates from Geography Series C paper will only create more complications to this already complicated situation. The least controversial way will be to increase the intake a little bit so as to take in all those Candidates from Geography Series C paper who are found to be securing at least this year’s cut off marks after the reevaluation.
If the declared result is scrapped or altered again, just as the prelims results was scrapped last year, this will only be an another blunder just to correct a blunder. Of all the qualified candidates, many have already purchased study materials and books, started attending coaching classes, availed 2-3 months leave for preparation, booked rent houses etc. So, if those candidates are disqualified just because the commission was incompetent enough to evaluate simple OMR sheets, then who’ll pay for all their loses? Will the commission pay for all their expenditures and efforts, if they go to court asking for compensation? In case of another movement of these deprived disqualified candidates, should the innocent candidates will have to suffer another wastage of their already fleeting time?
The commission is appealed to wrap up this already dragged examination as soon as possible without inviting another controversies. Please look for the least controversial way considering the time factor. In case of reevaluation of Geography Series C paper and candidates qualifying from the same, please increase the intake or ratio itself without having to disqualify the already qualified candidates so that we may get away with these countless controversies as soon as possible. Failing to do so will create just another movement.
Hope the commission clearly understood what we have been trying to convey.
Qualified candidates