Karbak inspects Yomcha-Liromoba-Tai road

LIROMOBA, Oct 26: Local MLA Nyamar Karbak, accompanied by local administrative officers and leaders, inspected the Yomcha-Liromoba-Tai road on Saturday.
The road, which provides vital communication link to Yomcha and Liromoba circles in West Siang district, has been severely damaged in several stretches due to incessant rainfall, flashfloods and heavy landslides.
The team visited all the major portions of the road upto Tai, which falls under Leparada district.
Karbak directed the officials and the department concerned to immediately clear the road for vehicular movement.
Since some portion of the road lies under the jurisdiction of the Basar constituency, Karbak said he along with Basar MLA Gokar Basar would jointly pursue the matter of restoration of the Yomcha-Liromoba-Tai road with the chief minister and the deputy chief minister.