Indian railway and safety measures

Dear Editor,
The increasing number of train accidents is alarming and is also a symptom of the rot within. These are needless deaths, which happen only in India which is really disgusting.
In order to prevent the recurrence of such mishaps, the modernisation of safety equipment, the maintenance of track and signals, the re-training and fitness of the staff, especially drivers, their assistants, guards, and those at the stations need to be improved.
Every year, we introduce new trains without improving the infrastructure. It has become a routine for the Railway Ministers and officials to rush to the scene of accident, express their sorrow and opinion for its cause, announce ex-gratia payments to the victims’ families and initiate an inquiry, and there ends the matter.
It is clear that the phenomenal advance in modern technology has not led to the upgradation of safety to the desired extent. It is only the common man who has to pay the price for all this with his life. It is time for a systemic overhaul, including safety measures, on a war footing.
Vinod C. Dixit