Parl Secy Tsering rubbishes media report, says TRIHMS is fully funded and managed by Govt.

ITANAGAR, Nov 11: Parliamentary Secretary (Health & Family Welfare) Phurpa Tsering on Saturday rubbished media reports that the Government was planning to hand over the Tomo Riba Institute of Health & Medical Sciences (TRIHMS) to private player.
“The TRIHMS Hospital and Medical College are State Government institutions and are fully funded by Government and managed through Government Society mode,” the Parliamentary Secretary was quoted as saying in a Press statement issued by the Director of TRIHMS.
“The Parliamentary Secretary informed that the Government is positively considering the decision on continuation of the services of the existing regular staffs of TRIHMS Hospital status quo ante,” the release said.
Describing the apprehension of TRIHMS Employee Association (TRSHEA) as premature and unfounded, Tsering cautioned them not to go against the interest of the State and public.
“If the TRIHMS is not ready for Medical Council of India (MCI) inspection at the earliest, it may lose the chance of starting the Medical College from the next academic session (2018),” the release said.
The MCI is expected to inspect the TRIHMS during November/December while the Hospital Employees Association (TRSHEA) has threatened to stage protest during MCI visit.
“In the present situation, the first MCI inspection and chance of obtaining the Letter of Permission (LoP) to start the Medical College from the coming academic session is dependent on how fast the recruitment of faculties are completed, which is unfortunately been delayed by a writ petition filed by a group of doctors,” it said.
The phase-1 of faculty recruitment was conducted in September this year, in which 14 faculties, including the Dean were selected. But unfortunately, a group of doctors have gone to court staying the Phase -II faculty recruitment process of TRIHMS, it said.
Tsering informed that Chief Minister Pema Khandu has been taking keen interest from the very beginning and pressing the department hard to start the first academic session of the Medical College by August, 2018.
“The public should know the facts first and offer constructive suggestions and all possible help to start the first Medical College of the State instead of spreading wrong information/rumours in media for no good,” Tsering said.
The Block-1 of the new Hospital is fully functional which will be the teaching Hospital for the Medical College. The requisite departments including lecture halls, laboratories, library, student accommodation etc are being adjusted in the old State Assembly Complex and other adjacent old buildings.