Ngandam reviews activities of Education Dept

ITANAGAR, Nov 29: Education Minister Honchun Ngandam reviewed the various activities and functioning of the Education Department, including the status of rationalization of transfer and posting of teachers in a meeting here on November 28.
Ngandam, along with Parliamentary Secretary (Education) Pani Taram and officials of the Education Department, including Secretary Education Bidol Tayeng, held threadbare discussions on the recently concluded National Achievement Survey in the schools of the state.
The survey was conducted in 2655 schools to assess the learning outcome of the students.
The programme of model school, implementation of smart classroom, textbook supply, progress of Aadhaar enrolment of students, scraping of no-detention policy, state board examinations of class V and VIII, progress of construction of girls’ hostels in the districts under RMSA, zero enrolment schools, recognition of private schools, etc also came up for discussion in the meeting.
The Education Minister urged the officials of his department to work with more dedication and sincerity to further improve the state’s education scenario.
The meeting was also attended by the Special Secretary (Education), all directors of the Education Department and DDSEs.