ITANAGAR, Nov 30: In a representation to the Chief Minister, the West Papu Valley People Representative Committee (WPVPRC) has appealed for non-inclusion of the entire Papu Valley in the proposed Pakke Kessang district.
The committee led by its Secretary, Shyam Cheri, who called on the Chief Minister on Thursday stated that it is not opposed to the creation of the district, but sought proper demarcation of boundaries before any cabinet approval on the matter.
It, however, opposed the earlier administrative approval given regarding creation of the district, which it claimed was taken without consent of the people of West Papu Valley.
The Chief Minister on his part assured to look into the matter.
Further, the committee suggested that Sangking Yarlo be declared as the proper boundary between East Kameng and proposed Pakke Kessang districts.
‘Any demarcation must be made with the consent of people from West Papu village of Seba, Kamrung, Ningcho, Nere and Lumdung’, it stated, adding that in case their demands are not met with, the people of the area will boycott the boundary verification team and oppose the creation of proposed Pakke Kessang district.