AALO, Apr 2: A team of the All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) visited the Kamki Peri upper primary school here in West Siang district on Saturday and found that 12 teachers have been posted at the school to teach 54 students.
Alarmed by the teacher-student ratio, AAPSU vice president (protocol) Tayuk Sonam questioned the authorities responsible for exceeding the RTE norm of 1:35 teacher-student ratio.
Earlier, the team visited the government secondary school at New Market and found the school building in a dilapidated condition, along with acute shortage of classroom requirements.
The team also found that there was lack of hygienic toilets and drinking water supply in the 39-year-old government-run educational institute.
Established in 1979 as a primary school, the school was upgraded to secondary level in 2017.
Mili Ori, a member of the school management committee, informed the union that the school has not received any maintenance grant from the state government for the past few years.
“It is difficult for us to manage the institution and look after its maintenance without funds,” he said.