Daily Archives: April 9, 2018

China objects to India’s ‘transgression’ in Arunachal; Our land, says India

KIBITHU, Apr 8: In a fresh incident of friction, the Chinese military last month strongly protested against the Indian Army's 'transgression' into the strategically...

40 houses gutted in Chowkham

CHOWKHAM, Apr 8: At least 40 houses along with a sawmill were gutted in a devastating fire that occurred here in Namsai district on...

The sports policy of Arunachal Pradesh

The sports policy of the state has finally been notified. The vision is to make Arunachal Pradesh a vibrant and leading state in the...

PPA reiterates concern over fate of TRSH employees

ITANAGAR, Apr 8: The People's Party of Arunachal (PPA) on Saturday said the state government's plan to amalgamate Tomo Riba State Hospital (TRSH) with...

DPMSHI students participate in soccer tourney

ITANAGAR, Apr 8: Differently-abled (hearing impaired) girl students of the Donyi-Polo Mission School for the Hearing Impaired (DPMSHI) here participated in the Doon Cup...

Villagers clear weeds, bushes surrounding electric poles

ITANAGAR, Apr 8: Members of the Silukian Welfare Kebang (SWK) on Saturday cleared invasive weeds and overgrown bushes surrounding electric poles in between Siluk...

Press bodies decry selective reconstitution of 13th PCI

NEW DELHI Apr 8: Press bodies from across the country have expressed concern over the situation arising out of what they described as premeditated...

Relief provided to Dirang fire victims

ITANAGAR, Apr 8: The Dream for United Arunachal team headed by its vice chairman Sonam Tenzing on Saturday handed over Rs 1.8 lakh to...

Arunachal strength-lifter wins silver in Indonesia

ITANAGAR, Apr 8: Katu Yomcha of Arunachal Pradesh won a silver medal in the 6th International Strength Lifting and Incline Bench Press Competition, currently...

Union calls on DCM over highway issue

ITANAGAR, Apr 8: Members of the All Kamle District Students' Union along with Raga MLA Tamar Murtem called on Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein...

Mopin celebrated

'Festivals showcase culture, identity' AALO, Apr 8: "Festivals showcase our rich culture and distinct identity, and every member of the society, irrespective of religious affinities,...

Keep prices in check

Economic Stability By Shivaji Sarkar Prices remain a major concern of the RBI monetary policy amid rising global trade protectionism. The Central bank apprehends that financial...

‘What about us?’

Dear Editor, While clarifying the fake news about APPSCCE (Prelims) 2017, the APPSC informed that ‘the preliminary examination date cannot be announced just yet, as...

Living for a cause

Dear Editor, It might sound filmy if we say that a person as an “one man army” has been single-handedly trying to overcome the taboos...