An open letter to the chief minister

Dear Editor,
The Hon’ble Chief Minister, time & again, has indicated that he is in favour of conducting timely DPCs for considering the cases of promotions of govt employees at all levels.
In this line, several office memorandums and orders have been issued by the Chief Secretary of the state, directing all departmental authorities to comply with the instructions for conducting DPCs twice a year.
All of this seems hunky dory. But the fact of the matter is that every instruction of the govt with regard to timely conduct of DPCs has remained only in files with nobody giving two hoots about its practical implementation.
Officers and officials of the state govt. have learnt to live with the fact that dangling the carrot of ‘timely DPC’ is nothing but a cruel joke played on them.
Some resourceful departmental employees have therefore been pooling in ‘resources’ to ensure timely DPCs. This has become an across the board practice with very rare exceptions.
The DPC of APCS officers has been one of the exception. However, that seems to be one of the many reasons why the DPC sittings of APCS officers never happens on time. People who are responsible for timely conduct of the DPC of APCS officers never seem to schedule the sittings with proper thought. Either they are on leave or are preoccupied with official engagements right when the DPC dates are scheduled.
DPC sitting of APCS officers have been fixed, re-scheduled & postponed multiple times in the past week. This drama has reached a tipping point.
It is high time for the CM to take personal initiative in the issue.
A Citizen