Arunachalee innovator presents G4B at scientists’ forum

DURBAN (South Africa), Jun 29: Young scientist and innovator Tadar Anang from Arunachal Pradesh, India, gave a presentation on his project ‘Goggle for blind’ at the 3rd BRICS Young Scientists’ Forum here on Friday.
Anang invented the goggles for the blind, also known as G4B, last year. The G4B uses ultrasound and infrared sensors to help the visually impaired detect obstacles on their path.
The G4B can be used to detect any obstacle on all sides within a distance of two metres. There are two ultrasound sensors on the left and right of the goggles to detect obstacles. When an obstacle is detected, a beeping sound is heard through the audio output, along with vibration, to alert the person.
Anang, who passed the Class 12 examination this year, is the first from Arunachal to attend such an event.