Dear Editor,
Amidst many controversies, the commission must now stand for its image and pure conduct of APPSCCE prelims. It was shocking for many candidates that the Prelims result was declared without even addressing major anomalies and doubts especially of Geography candidates.
There were 68 questions directly copy pasted from a single source of a PG level exam along with few wrong questions. Now the question arises how has the commission dealt with it? Has the grace marks been given or not? If yes, then how? The commission must clear these issues.
It seems by setting the kind of questions in Geography many deserving candidates have already been forced out of the race.
Now, for the best of all, the commission must at least declare the Prelims cut off marks to nullify all allegations leveled upon it. Therefore, I urge the Commission to declare the prelims cut off marks for good of all.
Lastly, the commission should not forget that the claim for cut off marks is highly justified keeping in view all the controversies.
A concerned citizen