ITANAGAR, Nov 19: In a major initiative towards documenting the cultural heritage of Arunachal Pradesh, Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein held a meeting with Research Secretary Dani Salu, Research Director Batem Pertin and German psychiatrist, anthropologist and research scholar, Dr Gerhard Heller, here on Monday.
Mein directed Salu to expedite the research work in connection with the project on the audio-visual documentation of the cultural heritage of the Mishmi tribe, especially on the indigenous healing practice of the Idu Mishmi tribe.
The DCM said the project was announced in his budget speech and was also reflected in the departmental SADA 2018-’19. He asked the department to complete the formality of signing an agreement with Dr Heller and let the work start.
Mein also asked the department to expedite the project for a digital museum in the state capital to showcase the rich cultural heritage of all the tribes of the state.
Dr Heller has been doing research works in Arunachal for the past 15 years. He has already documented the traditional healing systems of the Idu Mishmi, the Miju Mishmi, the Digaro Mishmi, the Monpa and the Galo tribes of Arunachal, and has travelled to the nook and corner of the state.
Salu informed that the project would be implemented in a transparent manner and completed within the stipulated time of two years. He also informed that the concept paper for the project for the digital museum has been submitted and is “under finalization.” (PRO, DCM)