ITANAGAR, May 27: Chief Minister Pema Khandu has congratulated the newly-elected chief minister of Sikkim, Prem Singh Golay, who was sworn in as the sixth CM of that state on Monday by Sikkim Governor Ganga Prasad at Gangtok’s Paljore stadium on Monday.
Khandu expressed hoped that Golay would “live up to the people’s aspirations and work towards ensuring peace and welfare of all sections of the people in his state.”
This also marked the end of the 25-year rule of the Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) and its leader Pawan Chamling, who holds the record of being the longest-serving chief minister in any Indian state by administering Sikkim for 8,932 days.
Golay, who is also the president of the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM), needs to get elected as an MLA within six months to continue as the chief minister.
He could not contest the assembly election, held along with the parliamentary elections, as he was convicted and imprisoned for a year in a case related to misappropriation of funds between 1994 and 1999.
Of the 32 assembly seats in Sikkim, the SKM won 17, while the SDF secured 15. (With CMO inputs)