ITANAGAR, Jun 28: Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein on Friday convened a meeting in his office here with officers of the hydropower development, the land management and the forest departments, the deputy commissioners of Dibang Valley and Lower Dibang Valley (LDV) districts, and officials of the NHPC to discuss the land compensation issues pertaining to the Dibang Multipurpose Project (DMP).
Saying that the main resource of the state lies in the hydropower sector, Mein urged the NHPC to hasten the execution of its hydropower projects.
“In the next five years, I want to see that we generate more power and earn revenue through this sector,” the DCM said.
He said the state government would extend all support to the power developers, but also warned that the government would not hesitate to terminate the contracts if the power developers fail to make satisfactory progress as per the MoUs.
He advocated resolving the compensation issues between the NHPC and the DMP Affected Committee amicably, “in the interest of the state, instead of dragging the issue in the court.”
Mein has formed a committee to find a solution to the land compensation issue.
He asked the committee to “sit with the respective DCs, the MLAs of the two districts, and the officers of the forest and land management departments and the NHPC, and submit the findings before the next state cabinet meeting.”
The 2880 mw DMP is envisaged as a storage project for flood moderation, and hydropower will provide an annual energy generation of 11,223 MUs in a year. The total share of 12 percent free power to the state, in terms of revenue, will come to approximately Rs 573 crore per year, and an additional 1 percent free power, amounting to approximately Rs 47 crore per year, will be contributed to the local area development fund.
The DCM also took stock of the status of the 2000 mw Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project.
Power Commissioner GS Meena, LM Secretary SK Jain, LDV DC Mitali Namchoom, Dibang Valley DC YW Khimhun, DHPD (Monitoring) CE RK Joshi, DHPD (M) SE Gammo Kamki, LM Director E Nangkar, and DFOs Aduk Paron and Migo Basar also presented their views. (DCMO)