Father seeks justice for daughter

[Karda Natam]

DAPORIJO, Jul 4: The father of a 14-year-old girl, who died barely three months later after she was raped at Sera village under Chetam circle in Upper Subansiri district, is still running from pillar to post seeking justice for his daughter.
The physically disablled girl was raped on 18 November, 2016.
At the time of incident, her parents were attending a social programme at Daporijo, leaving their daughter at home. On their return, the parents had found their daughter in a state of unconsciousness.
The minor died on 8 January, 2017.
Based on a complaint lodged by the father of the girl, the police have registered the case at Daporijo police station under the POCSO Act and, SI N Rango was shouldered to investigate the case.
The case was also brought to the notice of the Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Women by the victim’s family seeking its help and support.
“But the police have failed to make any headway into the case till date,” rued the victim’s father.
Meanwhile, the victim’s father said he had conducted an inquiry on his own and claimed to have traced the accused in Kra Daadi district.
He alleged that the police have not shown any interest in solving the case despite being informed about his findings.
“Despite the repeated complaints made to the police, the culprit has not been arrested,” said the father.
He added: “Complaint was also lodged with the Upper Subansiri deputy commissioner in October, 2018 regarding the delay in arresting the culprit.”
The father also informed that an eye witness of the entire incident died recently, due to which it may be difficult to deliver justice to his daughter, even if the culprit is arrested in the future.
He appealed to the law enforcing authority to help him in delivering justice.