Recruitment of DTO, TIO needed

Dear Editor,
Corruption commence right from faulty or back door appointments. Illegal appointees cannot work honestly. So, recruitment must be kept fair and clean.
Our state government always speak of developing tourism infrastructure and all that but have no words for filling up the vacant posts of District tourism officer (DTO) and Tourist information officer(TIO). In the absence of staff, who will take care of these infrastructures?
More than half of districts of state are without DTO and TIO but hundreds of APST Diploma/graduate in tourism study are roaming as unemployed with frustration.
Tourism is one of important revenue generating department and hence it should not be understaffed. We often read in paper and in social media that tourism infrastructure has been damaged, looted or are in pathetic condition. When one officer hold double or triple charge, these are bound to happen because without sufficient staff, department cant look after these property properly.
Government has also accepted that posts of DTO and TIO are vacant , but these are not being advertised. Hence, now people are talking that there may be plan –B for these vacant posts. So, Arunachal Pradesh tourism students must be vigilant (APTSU) at this.
But we have full faith in Pema khandu who is of clean image and who also comes from important tourism place that he understand what loss government will incur , if these posts remain vacant for long time.
Therefore we once again, appeal to department of tourism to hand over all the vacant posts of DTO and TIO to APSSC for its early recruitment.