AALO, Nov 5: Kirba Lollen and Kajal Kamsi won the ‘champion of champions’ titles in the men’s and women’s categories at the third West Siang District Level Armsport Championship held here on 4 November.
Lollen was the champion in the senior boys’ 70 kg bodyweight category, and Kamsi was the champion in the girls’ 63 kg bodyweight category.
In the senior boys’ 90+ kg category, Karjum Lollen won the first position and Kenli Riram the second position. Tomi Taye won the first position in the senior boys’ 70 kg category.
Kesang Rina and Jumi Doji were the winner and second position holder in the senior boys’ 63 kg category.
Karnu Gamlin (70 kg) and Henry Bam (80 kg) won the first positions in their respective bodyweight categories in the girls’ section.
In the girls’ 55 kg category, Bani Lingo and Kapi Yomcha won the first and second position, respectively, while Jumsum Ete won the second position in the 63 kg category.
The winner and the second and third position holders in the junior boys’ 63 kg category were Deli Noshi, Gani Ori and Karsen Loyi, respectively.
Karjum Potom and Dekge Gamkak won the first positions in the junior boys’ 55 kg and 70 kg category, respectively, while Nyosar Likar and Tachit Popak were the first and second position winners in the junior boys’ 78 kg category.
Nyummar Bagra was the referee of the event, and he was assisted by officials Kappil Kamsi, Ibi Lollen and Moli Ngomdir.