Limeking unaffected by lockdown

[ Karda Natam ]
LIMEKING, Mar 26: There has been little or no impact of the nationwide lockdown in border area Limeking in Upper Subansiri district.
All the markets remain open, and public gatherings and vehicular movement can be seen everywhere in the township.
Stating that there has been no official correspondence on the dos and don’ts pertaining to the nationwide lockdown, confused lower-rung employees like load carriers (LC), peons, etc, in Nacho and Limeking circles are still attending offices in the absence of their bosses.
There is not a single doctor at the PHC here, which is a matter of grave concern.
Reportedly, the BRO workers are also engaged in road and bridge construction work along the Sino-India border.
The locals said they have not yet received any official order or notification with regard to the nationwide lockdown and the precautionary measures to be taken against Covid-19. Whatever they have learned about the lockdown and Covid-19 is from the TV, they said.
Conscientious citizens have appealed to the district administration to take necessary step in this regard and issue a notification restricting public gathering and closing down the daily market(s) as soon as possible.
Reportedly, there is no magistrate in Limeking town.
In Daporijo, apong [liquor] is being sold openly at Golden Market but there is no one to check the illegal activity.