DIGP (TCL) interacts with HoDs

Police, security forces working hard to maintain peace: DIGP

CHANGLANG, May 12: DIGP (for TCL districts) Kime Kaming said the police and all other security agencies operating in Changlang district are working very hard to maintain peace and tranquillity in the region.
The DIGP on Tuesday held meetings with DC Devansh Yadav, SP Mihin Gambo and HoDs, and officers of the Assam Rifles and the CRPF deployed in the district.
He exhorted all the officers to maintain cordial relations with the police and the security forces for better security management.
During his meeting with the police officers at the SP office here, Kamin asked the policemen to maintain professionalism while discharging their duties. He directed all the police officers to deal firmly with drug traffickers to contain the drug menace.?He also advised every policeman to maintain personal hygiene and good health to serve the society more efficiently in this critical time.
The DIGP also visited the 9th Assam Rifles headquarters and held discussions with the 9 AR CO and the CRPF’s company commander on insurgency-related issues and containment of UG activities in the region.
Earlier, Kaming inspected the Namdang check gate and interacted with the frontline workers, the police and the magistrate on duty there. He commended the hard work being done by all the frontline workers to keep the state free from Covid-19. (DIPRO)