Follow social distancing norms

In the last two days the state has witnessed a sudden spike in the number of Covid-19 cases. Till now 28 people have been found positive, with the highest number reported from Changlang district. Most of them are returnees to the state and are asymptomatic. They were in a quarantine centre at the time of testing and have been shifted to the Covid care centre. As the number of stranded Arunachalees returning to the state starts rising, the situation is going to get critical in the days to come. The citizens will have to remain alert.
This is the time to strictly follow the social distancing norms issued by the ministry of health and family welfare. The people should avoid going to crowded places unless there is urgent work and should stay at home. In the next one month, thousands of stranded Arunachalees will return to the state. The possibility of increasing Covid-19 cases remains high. It is the duty of the returnees to strictly adhere to the laid down norms and extend support to the authorities. They should properly follow the quarantine measures. Most of the Covid-19 cases have been detected at the quarantine centre itself, which shows that the decision to put all the returnees under institutional quarantine and conduct Covid-19 tests is working to the advantage of the state. The government of Arunachal deserves appreciation for this. However, these measures need to be strictly followed till the pandemic is brought under control.