CHANGLANG, Jul 30: The Changlang People’s Forum (CPF) has requested the secretary of the North Eastern Council and the Changlang deputy commissioner to review the tender process for establishment of food processing and allied units in all the circle headquarters of the district, “so that each and every circle gets benefit of the scheme.”
The forum in a release on Thursday alleged that poor and needy people of the interior villages were being deprived of the scheme.
According to the forum, out of the 26 food processing and allied units, not a single unit has been allotted to Khimiyang circle.
It said that, as per the tender notice (No NER/NEC/DS-CLG/ADM/83, dated 10 July) for supply of machinery and equipment for establishment of 26 food processing and allied units in different locations of Changlang district, “there are six food processing units for Diyun circle and no single unit was for Khimiyang circle.”
It further alleged that the annual work plan budget for the establishment of the food processing and allied units during the 2020-21 financial year was prepared by the NERCORMP district project director “without the concern of the SHGs Federation and the NaRM-Gs Association, NERCORMP.”