Prog under NNM organized

TEZU, Sep 7: The Rashtriya Poshan Maah or National Nutrition Month (NNM) is being celebrated in Lohit district from 1 September by the women & child development department.

The purpose of celebrating the nutritional month is to promote proper nutrition in every nook and corner of the country and to focus on complimentary food, treatment, and preventing children from infections.

As part of the celebration, a programme was organized at the field publicity office here on Monday, which was attended by ICDS DD Savitri Khamti Linggi, the Tezu EAC, representatives of the Cultural and Literary Society of Mishmi and SHGs, and anganwadi workers.

Tezu CDPO Sujan Krisikro spoke on the importance of nutrition for adolescents and lactating mothers. She said that nutritional requirements can also be sourced from locally available low-cost items and one need not buy expensive food.

Anganwadi workers of the Tezu ICDS project displayed different types of low-cost nutritious food.

Representing the health department, SMO Dr JS Bhowmick spoke about the importance of nutrition, and advised all to eat healthy and nutritious food.

The officers of all the line departments also attended the programme and spoke. (DIPRO)