ITANAGAR, Nov 6: “As per statistics maintained by the police department since 2019 till now, the capital complex records the highest number of cases of crimes against women, followed by West Siang in the entire state of Arunachal Pradesh,” informed Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Women (APSCW) Chairperson Radhilu Chai Techi during a webinar on legal awareness organized here on Friday.
The webinar, organized by the APSCW, discussed issues relating to crimes against women, victim compensation scheme, and free legal aid.
The chairperson further said that most of the cases recorded in the state include domestic violence, assault, kidnapping/abduction, and other cases.
She informed that crimes against women in India have increased by 7.3 percent from 2018 to 2019.
“In terms of absolute numbers, Uttar Pradesh has reported the highest number of cases, but Assam reported the highest rate of crimes against women per lakh population. A total of 4,05,861 cases of crime against women were registered during 2019,” Techi said.
APSCW legal advisor, advocate Karmu Chotton informed that eve teasing is also a severe crime against women. She stated that “any kind of insult, teasing in public or privately which outrage the modesty of a woman is a crime” and women should report such crime to the police.
Chotton also presented a brief on dowry deaths and cyber stalking.
Arunachal Pradesh State Legal Service Authority Member Secretary Jaweplu Chai encouraged the womenfolk to know their rights and take necessary remedy. She informed that free legal aid services are provided to the victims, along with counselling and other benefits.
Advocate Raknu Koniya spoke on free legal aid and “the process and guidelines for legal service clinics at national, state and district levels.” She also explained the Victim Compensation Scheme, 2011, for women and the terms and conditions of how to avail the scheme.
APSCW member Techi Hunmai and Member Secretary Mabi Taipodia Jini also spoke.