Changlang ADS arrests drug peddlers

CHANGLANG, Nov 15: The anti-drug squad (ADS) of the Changlang police arrested a drug peddler on 13 November and seized approximately 25 gms of suspected contraband drug, besides Rs 3,000 and a mobile phone from him.

The peddler, identified as Pintu Debnath (36) was nabbed from Namdang, based on input regarding the transfer of a drug consignment from Assam to Changlang. The ADS team was led by Changlang PS OC Inspector CA Namchoom.

“On spot interrogation, he (Debnath) admitted that he is an agent and the main drug supplier is one Dipak Mandal alias Babu, based in Assam,” Changlang DSP Titkam Tangha informed in a release.

The ADS made Debnath call his associate on the phone and ask him to bring more drugs to Namdang.

“Accordingly, the said drug peddler, identified as Dipak Mandal (40) came to Namdang, where he was captured by the ADS team and approximately 21 gms of suspected contraband, along with Rs 24,450 sales proceeds and a mobile phone was recovered from his possession,” the DSP said.

The seizures were made in the presence of Executive Magistrate Goju Sikom.

A case under the NDPS Act has been registered at the police station here against the arrested duo.