CTADC demands completion of Seppa-C’Tajo road by this winter

Staff Reporter

ITANAGAR, 25 Sep: A team of the Chayang Tajo Area Development Committee (CTADC) on Saturday demanded that the Seppa-Chayang Tajo NEC road in East Kameng district be completed within this winter.

“The people of Chayang Tajo, Bameng, Khenewa, Lada, Sawa and Gyawepurang circles are highly disheartened with such slow pace of work on the Seppa-Chayang Tajo NEC road,” CTADC general secretary Kaniang Bagang said.

“This road is the lifeline for the people residing in the aforesaid circles. They are looking for early completion of the same. Therefore, we on behalf of the general public of the areas demand early completion of the road,” he added.

Blaming the PWD and Gammon India Ltd for delaying the work, Bagang questioned the department concerned over “interference of various trading licences when the agreement was signed between the two.”

Welcoming the prompt action by the state machinery in arresting the corrupt officials, the committee sought “free and fair investigation to bring out the truth for the sake of the people of the area and holistic development purpose in the state as whole.” It also demanded suspension of the corrupt officers from their posts.

“The committee has submitted a representation of two-point demand to the state government as well as youth organizations of the state,” said Bagang.

The CTADC also demanded strict action against “the absentee officials posted in Chayang Tajo,” claiming that absenteeism of administrative officers and HoDs has been causing much hardship to the people of the area in getting their official works done.