Ruksin gets sub-treasury office

RUKSIN, 21 Mar: Accounts & Treasury Director Sukhamay Bhowmik inaugurated the sub-treasury office in the ADC office campus here in East Siang district on Monday.

Among others, Pasighat West MLA Ninong Ering, East Siang DC Tayi Taggu, Ruksin ADC Tajing Jonnom, the SBI regional manager and the managers of the Pasighat and Sille branches of the APRB were present on the occasion.

Bhowmik advised the treasury officials to discharge their duties with complete dedication and transparency, and added that “shortage of manpower and required infrastructure development will be taken care of to ensure effective service delivery.”

Ering said that, “so far, all government transactions were executed through the district treasury office in Pasighat, about 35 kms from here, which involved a lot of resources and time.”

He expressed hope that the sub-treasury office would cover a vast area under Ruksin subdivision, benefitting the local public and government officials.

Taggu said that the sub-treasury office has been established to “ensure strict compliance of financial rules and procedures relating to all government transactions in the subdivision.”

ADC Jonnom and ZPM Aruni Jamoh also spoke. (DIPRO)