Golden jubilee Mopin celebrated

YOMCHA, 18 Apr: The golden jubilee Mopin celebration here in West Siang district began with a ‘mega health camp’ from 10-13 April. The camp, which was organised in collaboration with Aalo Ane Clinic and Heema Hospital, Itanagar, benefitted patients from the Liromoba assembly constituency.

The theme of the celebration was ‘Being traditionally, modern’.

The celebration featured ‘Yomcha singing idols’, a beauty contest in traditional Mopin attires, and such.

An animation film on ‘grandfather Kashi Yomcha’, the most famous priest of the Galo tribe, was also released.

MLAs Phurpa Tsering and Tania Soki attended the celebration on 13 April, while retired major general Jarken Gamlin and former minister Gojen Gadi attended the celebration on 14 April, and Urban Development SE Marcony Potom and APEDA Aalo Deputy Director Somar Potom attended the celebration on the 15th. (DIPRO)