Guv addresses student officers of AWC

MHOW, 19 Sep: Arunachal Pradesh Governor BD Mishra addressed the student officers of the army, the navy and the Air Force undergoing the higher command course at the Army War College (AWC) here in Madhya Pradesh, on Monday.

The AWC is the apex institution for studying higher directions of war in an inter-services environment.

The governor in his address emphasised on having excellent man management in the armed forces and good civil-military relations.

“The man management context has been evolving ever after the times of Field Marshal Sir Philip Walhouse Chetwode, whose famed words, ‘The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next. Your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time’ have been motivating the Indian armed forces officers since 1924,” he said.

The governor, who is a former faculty member of the College of Combat, Mhow (now renamed AWC), said that “man management in the armed forces now necessitates participative stakeholder concept,” and advised the student officers to make their soldiers, sailors and air warriors “a stakeholder for the promotion of their operational and logistical missions.”

He reminded the student officers that they are “men of means and men in authority, and must not forget their fundamental obligations towards fellow human beings.”

Among others, AWC Commandant Lt Gen Devendra Pratap Pandey, AWC Dean Maj Gen Manoj Natarajan, Higher Command Wing Commander Maj Gen Rajeev Puri, and the Arunachal government’s security adviser, retired Major SC Mohanty, were present on the occasion. (Raj Bhavan)