Constable arrested in connection with killing of businessman

[ Bengia Ajum ]

LONGDING, 11 Oct: The Longding police have arrested a police constable, identified as Langlem Wanphan, in connection with the killing of businessman Atar Singh Sharma, who was shot dead by NSCN (K-YA) militants on Monday evening.

Police sources informed that Constable Wanphan was arrested after it came to light that the militants had used his car to ferry them around at the time of the incident.

“He has told us that his car was hijacked by the militants from the petrol pump area when he was on his way to drop off his sister-in-law. However, we are investigating the matter and are trying to ascertain the facts,” said DSP B Tangjang.

The police have also arrested one Awang Wangsu, the younger brother of Wanglem Wangsu, a self-styled sergeant major of the NSCN (K-YA), who is the main accused in the case.

“Awang was instructed by his elder brother to conduct advance recce. It was he who told his brother about the presence of Sharma in the shop,” the DSP added.

The police also said that it is difficult at this juncture to pinpoint the motive behind the killing of the businessman.

“Only when the shooter and main accused are arrested will we have a clear picture. We are making an effort to carry out a proper investigation, so that truth prevails,” said a senior police officer.

Businessman Atar Singh Sharma, who was doing business in Longding for the past 40 years, was in his shop when a few rounds were shot at him by operatives of the militant outfit. He was immediately taken to the community health centre, where he was declared dead.